Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catching Up

Hi! Yep, still alive. A dear friend called last night and in the course of the conversation apologized for not calling much, but said that she reads my blog to keep up with us. Oops! I've been so delinquent here she's way behind, and so are you! One of the problems (excuses?) is that I love to put pictures. Well, with the moving and the wayward child moving back in, classes, new job, yada, yada, I just haven't been as diligent. This will be a catch up post, nice and random, just like you like 'em!

Here is some delicious new fabric I got to make a quilt for a Christmas present. At the rate I'm going, it will be for *next* Christmas.
Yesterday, we decorated pumpkins at school. We used pipe cleaners, yarn, sequins, fabric, googly eyes, markers, and hot glue. Ouch. I think they turned out really cute.

We did our dress up/fall parties last week. Michael Jackson showed up.

A friend of mine gave me this series of books a looong time ago. I finally dug one out a couple of weeks ago and devoured it. If you like quilting, you might like these books. Harmless, easy-to-read. Thanks, Sherilyn!

My son is taking art this year. He recently completed a drawing of the Kool-Aid guy. The bottom is the original, the top is his version. Nice job!

Hubby showing his dark side.

I found a pretty mushroom in one of my plants.

We found a snake in the yard.

Earlier this summer hubs taught me how to put up a fan. Boy, were my arms tired, but it's always fun learning something new. Thanks, honey!
I also have been teaching one of my classes. I love it. By the end of this semester I'll have 21 hours. Only 500 more to go. Kidding, but it feels like it.
We've also used our fireplace. It's so much fun, I love it!
My job is getting better. Don't think I'm cut out for it, I like the babies with more severe disabilities, but I do love my hearing impaired kiddos.
Have a safe and fun Halloween!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall Break

Oh how I love Fall (break). I get so much accomplished when I don't have to work. The weather is so nice and the sun is finally out. I am happy, happy!

I have already changed my address at OU (bout time, dontcha think!?), found a quilt store and bought fabric there, bought fabric at Hobby Lobby for the back of the quilt to cover my door, mailed hubby's birthday present back for a larger size, took my less-than-two-month-old laptop in for repair (they better not charge me), and made bread and stew for dinner.
Now all I have left to do is write a lit review, do a mid-term, finish the quilt, get my oil changed (the line was too long today), and watch UT beat OU. :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Joke in the Bus Line

The running/current joke with the kids in my bus line is:

Kid: Why were you under there?
Me: Under where?
Kid: You said Underwear!!

Elementary school humor. Gotta love it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Funny Sign

There's a sign at a local liquor store....100% alcohol, no gas.
I think it's so funny and clever. I smile every time I drive by. I keep meaning to take a picture, but I never do, so the words will have to suffice.

I did, however take some pictures of my kids at school today with my phone. Can't put them on here, but they looked so cute! I have these plastic Harry Potter 'glasses' that we read with. I call them our reading classes, they help us read better. One kid was having trouble today, and he said "I think I need to wear the glasses!"

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hi all, nothing to report. Just homework, homework, and more homework. But I love school. I love Fall! It only got to 57 today. So nice. We are doing some work on our back porch. Hopefully I'll have some before and after photos soon. It looks great.
Back to work on my Selective Mutism lit review! TTYL