It's hard to believe that it's been seven years since "the" September 11th. A day that certainly changed our lives, and we were nowhere near New York. I remember a student coming in telling me a plane hit the World Trade Center. Then the announcements came on and asked us to have all TVs and computers turned off, so I wasn't sure what happened. I remember listening in horror to the talk radio on my (then) hour drive home, and when I walked in the house, I burst into tears. I made a scrapbook of the occasion that has all the names listed of people who lost their lives.
What else can you say?
I still remember exactly where I was when I heard what happened and then saw the news.
I can't believe it's been 7 years either.
I think it is our duty to remember the horror of being attacked on our own soil by a foreign group of people who have no love for fellow human beings in thier heart. I agree with President Bush. These thugs are evil.
The way evil survives is for good men to do nothing. We had to go after them. Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. No one likes war, but to do nothing would have been an insult to all those who died.
I totally know what you are saying, but we have forgotten. I mean the only reminder that we have is that there are still troops in the Middle East. Though its not technically due to the events that occurred. Bottom line: American's are too prideful and continue to say that this is the greatest country in the world. *sigh*
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