Thursday, February 19, 2009


Stress is my new friend (again). I know everything will work out the way it's supposed to. But we have quite a few changes that will be taking place in our lives in the next few months. Actually, I'm OK with this now. Tuesday I needed a Valium.
Hubby and I were talking tonight and he said "You and I are 'supposed to' people." We do things because we're supposed to. He's right, and it's an interesting phenomenon that all people aren't like that. And honestly quite infuriating. It seems to be becoming more rampant, anyone else notice that? My daughter is definitely not a 'supposed to' person. My blood boils when I think about it. But I'm not going to get off on that.

p.s. The guy says there's an electrical problem with my sewing machine and it's not worth fixing. It's not even a year old. He said he'd be happy to show me some machines in their shop. Yeah, I just bet he would! He said this about my last one. We're going to go get it and pack both of them up and get a second opinon. No, I haven't finished the pants yet. And all I have left are the cuffs. Too busy reading the last Harry Potter.


Lisa Mooney said...

Breath in, breath out, or if that doesn't work, how about a margarita?! Miss you guys, and where will you be moving next?

Tins and Treasures said...

Oh yeah, I'm a rule follower, too. But then...most teachers are...right?! Just hang in there. It's almost a weekend. Take care, Natalie

Nola said...

You are preachin' to the choir here, girl; it makes me mad, too when others don't "play right". Then, the end result is soooo much stress for those of us who try to do the right thing. I battle this daily; everywhere from the store, to the neighbors, to the church (yes, they are human too). Then I come home and sit down and hear my mother's words telling me not to lower myself to their standards. Sometimes I listen to my mother's voice; sometimes I do not! Pass the margarita pitcher, please...