Sunday, May 24, 2009


We finished painting today. Everything looks great. I got a drop of paint in my eye! It was like the movie 28 Days Later when the guy is looking up at the bird and a drop of blood falls in his eye....I may turn into a zombie in a month or so. I'll have pictures of the paint jobs (before and after) as soon as all the dust settles.
We've been moving and unpacking as many boxes as we can each time we go, but the fridge isn't going to be delivered until Thursday, so we can't start staying there until then. We met some of the neighbors today, they seem nice.
So, off to bed to start again tomorrow! I'll be catching up on blog reading when all the dust settles, too. I haven't forgotten you.


Tins and Treasures said...

Wow, an exciting and busy time for you. Is your school term done? We have 3 days left. Happy Holiday ~Natalie

Michelle said...

congrats on the new house! How exciting - I hope the move goes smoothly especially since you're doing it yourselves!

Forty Two East said...

Oh I am getting ready to paint soon...painting our bathrooms!!!

Just dropping by and saying hello.