Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We've already had a wonderful Christmas! We drove down to the Metroplex and had Christmas with my in-laws and their families.
Yesterday we were in San Antonio with my Mom and family down there and it was 75 degrees. We had a great visit and had a delicious "Christmas" dinner of homemade lasagna, stuffed mushrooms, and Milky Way cake. Dear Daughter got to make the rounds with us, so it was nice.

We got home just in time for this! Blizzard in Oklahoma. It started with sleet this morning, then turned to snow, with winds gusting around, it's crazy! The dogs don't want to go out. Hubby's mom was supposed to come up and dear daughter was supposed to come back, but it's just the three of us. We have a fire going, I quilted all day, we're going to open one present and watch movies.
I hope you all have a blessed Christmas. Stay safe and warm!

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