Friday, February 4, 2011

Snowing Again

It's been snowing again all day. Fourth snow day. I guess summer is canceled.
It is beautiful, though without the 45 mph winds making it blizzard conditions.
I have gotten a lot of work done, but not today. I decided to try out the Elliptical even with my broken toe. Worked out well!
I'm considering getting a jigsaw puzzle out, but I still have lots of work I could do.
We've been having movie night every night. I really enjoyed Grumpy Old Men and Grumpier Old Men. Undercover Brother was pretty funny, too.
What are your favorite movies?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Post Ph.D.

I love being in school. Reading. Researching. Writing papers. I do. I know, I'm a nerd.
But some days, I can't help but wondering what I'm going to do with all the time I have when I graduate.
1. Blog again! I mean regularly.
2. Read blogs again.
3. Quilt again. I want to make this and this. Maybe I'll even finish my Dear Jane!
4. Learn to applique. I want to make this and this.
5. Wow, and what about this and this!?
6. Play my cello again.
7. Play my guitar again.
8. Sit around and watch all the House episodes without feeling guilty.
9. Really clean my house.
10. Nothing.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Random Thoughts

Hi friends! News: I have a broken foot. Ok, it's my toe, but it's at the base of my toe by the ball of my foot. I wish I had some great story like I was chasing a burglar or saving a child from being hit by a bus or roundhouse kicking my hubby, but no. I walked into the night stand.
I had crutches for a week, but fortunately I now have a walking shoe. Hurts and I'm still slow, but muuuch better than crutches.

We're snowed in. It's 10 degrees. Not used to this like Natalie probably is. Second day with no school. I don't know what the main streets look like, but the neighborhood streets are by no means clear. Hubby made it out in the FJ. I don't think my Mini would make it.

I found a pair of cute shoes online that I'm thinking about getting. I guess I should wait until I can wear them on both feet. These are awesome, too!

Remember I said it was 10? Well, the wind chill is -11. The dog next door has been outside all day. I probably ought to call animal welfare.

I have written an IRB, read two chapters, re-written my class syllabus, and found numerous articles that will help me with my research.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


My son earned his Driver's License today!! He started a job and got his license all in one week. All was well until he got called in to work, and left...BY HIMSELF!! Wow. That was nerve wracking! He should be home any minute now, then I can relax!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Long Weekend

It's been a nice long weekend for me. DH is out of town for a conference, and my son started working! We're so proud of him. His first job, and Tuesday he'll be getting his license, so he can drive himself. He wasn't too keen on my taking a picture of him in his Whataburger uniform, so you'll have to take my word that he looked handsome.
I made some magnets with the flat marbles. This is my favorite one, though in the picture it looks as if she has smallpox or something.
This is another fav, though one of the first I made and I didn't put a plain white card stock circle behind the printed paper, so you can kind of see the magnet, but it makes for a better picture.
We got my son a car. While looking for him a car, I found one I wanted, too. It's convertible!! And sooo cute. Only one person can ride with me, though. So my son and I were wondering today, if you're in England and the steering column is on the left side of the car, is the gear shift reversed? Jill? Do you know?I was marveling while emptying the dishwasher at how many Fuzzy's cups we have. I think my DH likes it just a little! haha....there were three more in the dishwasher, and who knows how many he has in his office!
Oh, and you see that stained glass in the background!? My step-mom made it for me for Christmas. I love, love, love it!

Did I tell you I'm going to Jamaica this summer!? I'll be going with the Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf. We'll be staying a week, and I can hardly wait!

Classes start this week, will be interviewing some parents of D/deaf children. If you're interested, let me know!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Sweet Friend

I visited some blogs yesterday. I haven't visited many in many months, but in my last few days of 'freedom' before classes start again I thought I'd check in on some friends. I left a comment on one, and got a very sweet email back saying that she missed me. It made my day and reminded me that even though I haven't met many of you, you are still a part of my life. Thanks, Natalie!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wow, it has been a great start to the New Year! I got everything I wanted/needed for Christmas and more: a new-to-me Mini Cooper convertible! We were looking for a car for my son, and ended up with two.
School has started again and I am once again amazed at how being on 'red alert' always exhausts me. Classes start next week and I will be taking two and teaching one. While working full time and being a wife and mom. Pray for my survival!
Some friends got new phones, so we got their old BlackBerrys. We've upgraded, and as my sister said, I'm sitting at the 'cool' table now!
It's very cold here today, so I am going to get my book and curl up by the fire.
Be blessed!