Tuesday, June 10, 2008


When we first moved here, I thought..."OK! I'm near a large university, this is the opportunity I need to get my Doctorate degree." I researched online the degrees offered and decided I didn't like the Special Ed. option because it focused on the legal aspects of it and I still want to work with the kids, or at least teach other people to teach this kids I love. So, I contacted the professor in charge of the Early Childhood PhD to inquire whether or not I could take special ed classes for all the electives. She assured me that would be fine, and so I proceeded to write the required papers for admission and took the GRE again, since my scores were over 5 years old. I did well on the GRE, so I sent all the requirements only to receive the above letter. Not you're not smart enough, no.... My goals do not match the program they can provide. I assume they meant that because I had written goals for special education, but I had already talked to the professor. I was extremely bummed for about three days. Then I decided to get on over it. It wasn't meant to be at that time. Which was fine, I guess because my husband left for the desert soon after that and my daughter ran away.
Maybe someday......Or, if I win the lottery I can do it online. Vince didn't call last night, btw.


PJ said...

I hate those, "We regret to inform you.." letters!!! Probably something better is ahead.

I have head icks too, clusters which are a level beyond migraine. Fun! I haven't tried the Maxalt. Maybe I'll mention it to my Dr. Right now I take Zomig which works but leaves me a bit stiff in the joints. I already have myofascial disorder, but the stiffness is better than the pain.

Mrs. Hatten said...

That stinks! You're right, though. This just isn't the right time for you...it will happen, girl!

Anonymous said...

Aww... don't be discouraged. You'll get another chance soon... and everyone will be referring to you as "doctor."

I hope your daughter came back!

Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

Sorry you didn't make it into that school. Look for another one!
I stopped after getting my Specialist in School Administration. I decided that all I had left was the thesis... and life is too short. Hang in there!