One of my favorite disabilities is deafness. Weird to have a 'favorite' disability, isn't it? When I got to college, I didn't know what I wanted to be. Since it was a private school (gasp! I know, I'll be paying back student loans until I die!), we had chapel every day. I loved chapel, the socializing, the singing, the socializing, the prayer, the socializing, yeah, you get the idea. Anyway, their were interpreters for the Deaf there. 'How cool is that?' I thought. Upon further investigation, most of the interpreters were Speech Therapy majors since they did not have Deaf Ed. I became fast friends with the Deaf people. I learned sign language. The best way...from Deaf people. It's not ASL proper, more of a pidgin type, but most of the time it gets the job done. I will be taking our state interpreters test Feb. 29th. Please pray~LOL. I've recently found some 'v-logers,' and watching them I am so discouraged because while I get the overall message, to actually reverse interpret what they are signing to make it sound like it should (a 'normal' conversation)...shameful!
*Anyway* all this blah blah is to say that I have recently 'met' Karen (maybe I'll really get to meet her someday). She's a cool lady who has run into some trouble recently. But, it reminds me (and brings me back to my point) about why I love Deaf people....Rarely do you see a one of them that isn't happy and well-rounded. I mean, for the 'disability' that us dumb hearing people consider them to have you would think that they would be "oh woe is me, I can't hear, I'll just sit here and let other people take care of me" Nope! They are happy, uplifting, funny, successful, patient, proud, strong, brave, joyous people. They remind me how lucky I am when I start to have a pity party for myself about the troubles I have. I've learned a lot from them about what is truly important and to take what you have and make the best of it. I need to be reminded of that every once in awhile, so thanks Karen, Darin, Mary Lynn, Cassie, Lacey, et al! :)
Perhaps someday we'll meet!
Thanks for making this all possible. We the people with hearing loss apprecicate you so much. I'm an former OKIE and is Deaf.
Good luck with the interpreting exam!! You can do it!!
You go girl! If anyone can pass this exam you can!
Isn't it amazing what ANYONE can do! My husband wants to be a pilot, he's deaf and he'll do it. You can pass the exam!
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